Analysis, Evaluation and Data Management Services
Our laboratory provides routine analysis, fruit evaluation and data management services. Our commercial services aim to ensure that the theory of research is successfully applied in practice.
We have the ability to combine scientific research and development skills with the realities and complexities of commercial crop production and handling.
We serve our customers with a team of experts combining more than 300 years of experience in agriculture, specialiSing in the following areas:

Plant physiology relates to the functioning of plants and plant parts.
ExperiCo applies plant physiology by:
- Ensuring that high quality fresh produce reaches global destinations in the best condition
- Applying research combined with the theory of plant physiology with practical challenges of global value chains to meet market requirements
- Assisting in the development of production, harvesting, packaging and storage technologies
- Providing information to assist delivery of high-quality produce to discerning customers
- Assisting clients in the development and testing of new technologies and protocols to optimise quality before and after harvest
- Being proudly associated with many innovations which have transformed the fresh produce industry over the past four decades

The study of the cultivation and management of grapes and grapevines
ExperiCo applies plant viticulture by:
- Assisted the South African table grape industry, chemical and packaging companies to develop quality management products, technologies and knowledge
- Researching crop enhancement, crop protection and crop quality management
- Specializing in all aspects relating to optimal harvesting, handling, packaging and storage of table grapes
- Testing of new varieties of table grapes and the development of handling and storage protocols
- Being proudly associated with many pre- and postharvest innovations used for grapes.

Plant pathology is the study of plant diseases. This, in particular, relates to the study of the pathogen, host and environmental factors leading and contributing to plant disease. Understanding these factors and their effects on the disease cycle of a particular pathogen assist in developing control strategies to manage/reduce disease caused by the pathogen.
ExperiCo applies Plant Pathology by:
- Applying research and services in combination with the theory of plant pathology to ensure high quality fresh produce to markets and consumers.
- Assisting in the development of technologies to be used in preharvest and postharvest environments, with special reference to cooling, storage, distribution and shelf life.
- Developing and using a Disease Risk Management System (DRMS) for the agricultural industry.
- Identifying plant pathogens of various fruit crops (grapes, berries, pome and stone fruit, figs, pomegranates, citrus, etc.).
- Being proudly associated with innovations and forward thinking, which continues to transform the fresh produce industry.

Soil science is an element of agronomy, related to the study of the processes, properties, sustainable use and management of soils.
ExperiCo applies Soil Science by:
- Developing and testing products and technologies to improve soil health and fertility and ensure its sustainable use
- Studying the effect of soil conditions on crop development, yield and quality maintenance
- Applying environment protection as a fundamental philosophy in our business
- Optimizing product quality maintenance throughout the full handling chain, from the soil to consumption

The discipline associated with cultivation and management of cultured plants.
ExperiCo applies plant horticulture by:
- Developing and testing technologies and techniques to improve the management of crops for sustainable food production
- Focussing on optimizing product yields and on soil and plant health
- Developing products and practices that provide the best postharvest produce quality
- Considering pre- and postharvest aspects, and providing a holistic approach to both internal and external quality maintenance of products
- Cost effectiveness, including optimizing spray applications and waste limitation, forms an important part of the horticulture function

The scientific study of insects and their impact on crops
ExperiCo applies entomology by:
- Developing and testing technologies which control insect pests, ultimately contributing to crop yield, quality and sustainable food production
- Assisting with market access through phytosanitary research

The study and improvement of crop production and plant systems.
ExperiCo applies agronomy by:
- Developing and testing technologies which improve soil and plant health, ultimately contributing to crop yield, quality and sustainable food production
- Studying plant nutrition and the optimization of planting systems and technologies, and product application practices
- Working on a wide range of field crops to satisfy the needs of clients in this sector